Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT)
ATAC is one of the world’s foremost experts in the use of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), the FAA’s regulatory environmental modeling software spanning local and global noise and emissions analyses.
ATAC has a major role in the development of AEDT, and has continuously supported the FAA’s environmental model development efforts since ATAC first began supporting the FAA’s Integrated Noise Model (INM), the regulatory single-airport noise model predecessor to AEDT, in 1994. ATAC’s FAA-funded research efforts aimed at improving the capabilities of AEDT keep it at the forefront of aviation environmental modeling methods and practices. These combined factors enable ATAC to develop and apply software tools and analysis methods to address both common and highly unique environmental analysis questions in a technically defensible manner. Such tools and methods include:
- Modeling the noise and fuel-burn benefits of new flight procedures
- Animating aircraft flight trajectories and corresponding sound exposure or maximum sound level contours
- Directly linking airport capacity modeling results with airport noise modeling inputs
- Generation of supplemental metrics including number above contours to better describe noise impacts
ATAC has applied its expertise to a variety of aviation environmental modeling tasks. These efforts include:
- Analyzing small- and large-scale airspace and airfield modifications
- Conducting and supporting airport environmental documentation at all levels of NEPA/CEQA analysis
- Evaluating potential noise and air quality impacts of airfield development planning
- Analyzing potential impacts of new aircraft introduction
- Creating custom aircraft profiles to support high fidelity analysis
- Applying alternative noise metrics to support airport and airspace scenario analyses